
One Deck Dungeon: Forest of Shadows

Created by Chris Cieslik

A stand-alone expansion to One Deck Dungeon, featuring new heroes, dungeons, combats, and perils. Get your dice ready for adventure!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Plastic Card Replacement Printing
over 6 years ago – Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 12:48:47 AM

Hey all, finally have news to share on the plastic cards!

The good news: The factory has agreed to reprint the entire plastic run. 

These cards will be printed up on a different material, which has been used successfully in other card game projects.

What we are going to be making is a simple cardboard box that contains all 14 hero/reference large cards, and all 112 small cards. This will be mailed to all plastic backers, and you don't have to do anything more to request it(unless your address has changed, which we'll be dealing with in a couple weeks). Every plastic backer will receive it, even if you haven't contacted us already noting the plastic cards in your set are damaged.

We want every single plastic backer to get the highest level of quality possible - that's the whole point of paying extra for a premium product!

I don't have a timeline yet for this, we'll be working on that with the factory soon. 

Plastic Replacements

Since we're reprinting them all, we won't be sending out plastic replacement cards in the interim - they're all damaged anyways. For people who did not receive a plastic game at all, we will send along a normal cardstock copy (and you'll receive plastic cards later). If you received a paper copy instead of a plastic copy due to shipping errors, we'll send you the replacement plastic cards as soon as they're printed. 

Replacement Plastic Cards / Canada Shipments / Away for Weekend
over 6 years ago – Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 01:12:17 AM

Given the scope of the problem with the plastic cards, we're definitely going to be printing some new ones. So far about 350 of you have answered the survey about the state of your plastic cards. We had about 1500 plastic backers, of which about a third haven't received their package yet. The factory is pushing back about the number of plastic decks that need to be reprinted, so it would be very much appreciated if everyone with plastic could fill out that survey (even if your plastic set is OK!) we can can accurately quantify the problem.

Again, if you haven't gotten your game yet, no worries, but I'd love to have 700+ responses to bring to them as data. 


A lot of packages to Canada were packed wrong, missing games. I've already sent an email to all Canadian backers with a link to the replacements form, but if your package arrives missing games, is the place to go. These'll be shipping out as quickly as we can.

Convention Weekend

I will be at MIT all weekend for an event (MIT Mystery Hunt), starting Friday morning. I won't be responding much to emails / KS posts / KS messages until Monday. As you may have guessed, I could use a couple days away! 

We'll get this all sorted out, and I'm not going to stop until everyone gets products that are the quality they expected (and we expected). It is my hope that the factory will step up, accept their mistakes, and correct them.

International Shipping Update
over 6 years ago – Mon, Jan 08, 2018 at 10:16:17 PM

We've gathered info from our international shipping partners. We're really sorry for the delays in getting games to everyone. 


Packages bound for Canada were dispatched in December. Why are they not at your houses already? That is an excellent question. I wish I had an answer, because I would yell at the person responsible. Several showed up Friday, more have shown up today. My understanding is that they should all arrive this week.

Europe/Rest of World

All packages bound for non US/CA destinations are at our international shipping hub in the UK. They are being processed and should start shipping this week. My expectation is that they should arrive by the end of January, depending on distance between the UK and you.  If you are a non-US/CA backer and have had an address change, please email me at [email protected] with your new address ASAP. I've updated a number of addresses already, but it never hurts to be sure!

Plastic Decks - Information Gathering
over 6 years ago – Sat, Jan 06, 2018 at 01:13:16 AM

We've created a short google survey to gather data on the scope of the plastic deck issues.

If you backed for plastic decks and have received+opened them already, we would love responses on the status of your cards. This information will let us know how to proceed with how many sets we need to reprint to use as replacements, and help us better understand the scope of the issues. 

Once we gather information, we'll announce how replacements will proceed in an update.

If you haven't received your games yet, don't worry about this survey - we'll be able to extrapolate a percentage of affected sets from the US orders.

Clarification on Replacements
over 6 years ago – Wed, Jan 03, 2018 at 11:19:25 PM

A few folks have been concerned about using sets with damaged components, and I just wanted to clear one important fact up.

You definitely don't have to return your existing/damaged set or prove to us that you didn't "use" it to get a replacement. Go and have fun with the game you purchased! Sometimes we ask for pictures, but that's entirely to help us figure out what happened, it's not meant as proof or verification. We trust you all! 

We're examining the scope of the various issues before we decide what our reprint strategy is going to be for those of you with poorly-coated plastic decks. Super sorry about all the issues, this has been a rather frustrating few weeks.